We have to admit that the latest instalment of Design Porn comes to you from a slightly self-interested place. When you live in a tiny apartment, it can feel like there’s only room for you or your bike — but not both. In fact, we’ve got plenty of friends who have been forced to part with their beloved rides when confronted with more modest quarters, and we’re betting that there are plenty of you in the same boat. Hopefully one of the aesthetically-pleasing storage options that we’ve found after the jump can help you free up a little wiggle room. As always, feel free to leave your own suggestions in the comments.
Branchline by Quarterre. [via Design Milk]
Cycloc by Andrew Hlang. [via Core77]
Pedal Pod by Tamasine Osher. [via Remodelista]
Bike Rack from 718 Made in Brooklyn. [via The Awesomer]
Bike Shelf by Knife & Saw. [via Cool Hunting]
Wall-Mounted Bike Rack made from Reclaimed Wood by Cantilever and Press. [via Apartment Therapy]
Mama by Matt Elton and Matteo Baldarelli. [via Core77]