The First Place and the Grand Winner of the BIKE Magazine Photography Contest 2021 and will be the Photographer of the year 2021 is:
Edward Xue
The Second Place of the BIKE Magazine Photography Contest 2021 is:
Ismael Ruiz
The Third Place of the BIKE Magazine Photography Contest 2021 is:
Alex Huefner
The Special Award of the BIKE Magazine Photography Contest 2021 goes to:
Salva Fonolla, Eric Tkindt and Valerio Ferraro
Category Winners:
Sport: Juan Aizpuru
Nature: Vincent Croce and Robert Apjok
Cycling during pandemic: Stefania Molinari
Pro cycling: Javier Martínez de la Puente Azcárate
Cycling holiday: Anthony Reed
Touring – exploring a city: Giovanni Stalloni
Touring – exploring the wild: Martin Siering and Cristian Zuelli
Open theme: Dario Lo Presti and Chieko Tanemura
Congratulations to all winners entries of the BIKE Magazine Photography Contest 2021 and thank you to everyone who participated in the competition.
Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who have entered the BIKE Photography Contest 2021
All entries will be assessed and the results revealed in the February issue of BIKE Magazine.
To find out who the winners are make sure you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.