A Different Kind of Mountain Climbing by Bike
One of my qualms with outdoors sports such as mountain biking, skiing, hiking and climbing is the need to hop in the car and drive to do them. Though there are plenty of towns with great trailhead access out the front door, the majority of us make a few hours of driving part of the equation each weekend to participate in the sports we love. A little bit of driving is never the end of the world, but it certainly contributes to it. As such, it’s exciting to see people using bikes for adventures in the mountains.
These three videos document a few different mountain climbing trips by bike, from the Great Divide mountain bike route to the high alpine in Kyrgyzstan. All of them centre on weeks- and even months-long tours–certainly not practical for the day to day–but inspiration nonetheless about the possibilities for human powered adventure.
The Road to Karakul’s been featured on The Bicycle Story before, but it’s good enough for repeat viewings. Pro climber Kyle Dempster spent two months riding remote backroads in Kyrgyzstan, climbing it’s high alpine peaks, and often going weeks without seeing another soul. Click here to read Dempster’s interview with The Bicycle Story about his epic adventure.