Bikle Is The New Version Of Wordle
It’s a simple, web-based puzzle game, that has become an internet phenomenon. Designed by Reddit engineer Josh Wardle to play with his partner, in lockdown, Wordle offers up just one hidden five-letter word each day. The rules are simple, Players enter their guesses into a grid, If any of the letters are in that day’s word but in the wrong place, they turn gold. If they are in the word in the right place, they turn green. If they are not in the word, they turn grey. The player has all day to guess but only six attempts.
If you have been enjoying playing Wordle, or if you are looking for the next addictive game to fill your evening. There is now a cycling version of the popular puzzle game, called Bikle, created by the Italian Bidon blog, the challenge of the puzzle is to name current and former professional riders.
Bidon explained that Bikle is an unofficial and modified version of Wordle. Several members of Bidon created Bikle together, using the code from the Italian Parole and Kasta versions of the game to create a cycling name puzzle.