2020 Racing Update – Regional And National
Suspension on club and group activity in England s lifted with the publication of the first iteration of The Way Forward, the guide aimed at empowering the people at the grassroots of our sport to resume activities. Clubs have taken this opportunity to begin responsibly organising activity in small groups, and this weekend sees the return of our led ride programmes, HSBC UK Breeze and Guided Rides, which are a vital gateway to cycling for thousands of people every year.
Regional racing
At present the British Cycling claims that the suspension of regional-level racing is not extended beyond Aug. 1, because there are formats that can return earlier than others in a variety of disciplines of our sport – ensuring that they are capable of complying with the correct government guidelines. Restrictions on group size, hygiene checks, social distance control, activity format and additional actions, such as travel restrictions, are expected to continue.

We assume that BMX, cycle speedway, street, racing circuit, road time checking, riding cross-country biking and gravitation mountain bike will be the disciplines and formats for the earliest return. British Cycling staff are presently creating a system including guidelines and tools for the safe return of each discipline with the relevant discipline bodies and colleagues at Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling.
National racing
Racing is officially suspended until 1 September, at national series and national championship stages. We do not agree that national series and national Championships will be held this year in the spring and summer months after meetings with teams and event organisers. This means that we will never see national road, mountain, BMX or cycle speed series or championships. Exceptions are some national youth and junior competitions that may still be held on rearranged dates with school sports scheduled for return in September.